Category: About

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Join PJC-1 2024

ॐ पराशर ऋषये नमः Objectives The Parāśara Jyotiṣa Course (PJC) is to be taught in the tradition of Puri, India…

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Expansion of Nārāyaṇa – Directions

In the lesson Foundation of Vedic Astrology, the first division of the body of Nārāyaṇa was divided into four parts. If we consider the entire body to be represented by an endless circle, then dividing by 4 would give quarters of 90° each. Let us use a special word called KENDRA for this. This Sanskrit word केन्द्र (kendra) simply means a center like a focus. If we talk of directions, then we have ONLY FOUR Cardinal directions – East, West, North and South. We call each of these a Kendra because at any point of time, when we face one

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Vidya, Jnana and Mantra

As you know we have a contact class for a short period where we teach some of the topics of the PJC and get an opportunity to meet with the students. The interaction is very beneficial for both as in the end, this is a guru-shishya parampara or ancient Indian traditional method of teaching. The Gurukula system envisaged that the ‘Guru’ or plural ‘gurus’ or female ‘gurvi’ would be like the elders of a joint family system and the shishya would be like the children. Age was never a factor as learning was allowed at all ages and all stages.

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Jyotiṣa Devatā

As a subject, Jyotiṣa has a few major heads which include –
• Lakṣaṇa Śāstra which means study of the omens and signs on the body and around. This includes Hastā-rekhā śāstra or palmistry which is the forte of Subrāhmaṇya or Kārtikeya
• Horā Śāstra is the forte of Gaṇeśa
• Gaṇita Śāstra including Vedic Numerology is another head
…. All these come under the three wings called Gaṇita, Horā and Saṁhitā
Once there was a debate between Kārtikeya and Gaṇeśa and Lord Śiva was the judge. Kārtikeya wrote the entire Lakṣaṇa śāstra whereas Gaṇeśa wrote Horā śāstra. Śiva judged

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Time Required

How many hours by week i.e. how much time is required? Also in which month (approx) the contact program will be held?
Answer: You can study the course at your own pace as each individual has their own time and method of learning a subject. In the vedic studies, it is best advised to wake up early at 4 – 4.30am and start studying at 5am. That way you can put in about 1-2 hours every morning when there is no disturbance and the mind is also well rested and free from the days energy. This early morning has

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Online Classes

How are the classes conducted online through internet?
Answer: The classes are conducted through lessons. These lessons are online pages and they also have video in the form of recorded slides from live classes that were conducted in the Himalayas.
We also have a Yahoo! Group for answering your questions from time to time and those who ask are always the ones to benefit the most besides benefiting others.
You can study at your own pace but it is good to study an hour a day at least

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New Batch?

Will the course starting from January (2015, or any year) have a new batch of people or the course is continuing from previous years?
Answer: Whenever we mention ‘New Batch’ it means that this is for a new batch of students.
There are already three other batches from 2011, 2012 and 2013. They are in advanced years. They are not to be mixed up with this batch of students.
This is new batch for the first year of PJC i.e. PJC Year-1.

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New PJC Members

Some of you have joined PJC Year-1 and have made direct debit payments to the bank account. Since the details provided by the bank are quite difficult for us non-bankers to figure out, you are request

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Bhagavat Gita Sloka 10-20

अहमात्मा गुडाकेश सर्वभूताशयस्थितः।
अहमादिश्च मध्यं च भूतानामन्त एव च॥ १०-२०॥
ahamātmā guḍākeśa sarvabhūtāśayasthitaḥ |
ahamādiśca madhyaṁ ca bhūtānāmanta eva ca || 10-20||
Simple Translation: O thick-haired (Arjuna), I am the Ātmā (soul) abiding in the heart of all beings. I am also the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings.
Jyotiṣa Notes: The sun represents the soul and the life force in all living beings. It defines the inner nature as well as reveals the form, of all beings. It is the source of creation of everything manifest, as well as the source of their continued existence (sustenance

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Certification is optional as jyotiṣa is a vedāñga or spirituality related discipline.
♦ Students who wish to become Teachers of any course or Mentors will have to be certified
♥ Students who wish to practice as professional consultants are encouraged to consider certification.
♠ Entitlements and Honors like Jaimini Scholar (JSP), Jyotiṣa Paṇḍita (PJC Year-3), Jyotiṣa Guru (PJC Year-5) or any similar recognition, will not be awarded to one who does not pass the certification requirements
♣ Every Certification has its own process which is dependent on the Program (and Course).

DBC Officers

Certification Head


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