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Upagraha is derived from graha with ‘upa’ implying inferiority as in a child, considered a minor planet and child of one of the seven planets. Kāla and other upagraha are but the seven children of the graha having similar genetic traits but in a more extreme manner.
It is said that one of these upagraha afflicting the Sun can ruin one’s dynasty (lineage, family) while Lagna afflicted by an upagraha blocks understanding and intelligence. We have found this to be true with the dispositor of the upagraha rather than the upagraha themselves, particularly nakṣatra dispositor.
Upagraha Slides

Continue UpaGraha
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Aprakāśa Graha

Aprakāśa means without light and refers to the FIVE points which destroy the light from the pañca tattva. In total there are twelve dark sub-planets of which five are aprakāśa graha and the other seven are the upagraha. A very detailed explanation about the aprakāśa graha, their calculations and how to use them in charts – has been taught by Parāśara.

It is good to do these calculations once for your own chart so that you get a first hand knowledge of exactly how they are calculated.
This is a full day (10-12 hour slide presentation) and the website will

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Rāśi Dṛṣṭi

Rasi Drsti

Rasi Drsti Slides

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Graha Dṛṣṭi

Graha Dṛṣṭi

Graha Dṛṣṭi Slides

Graha Dṛṣṭi Extended Slides
There are five principal elements or states of existence of all material bodies called TATTVA. These are (1) the Solid state called Pṛthvi or Earth, (2) the Liquid state called Jala or Water, the Gaseous state called Vāyu, the Vacuum state called Ākāśa or the Energy state called Agni. Each sign is assigned one of the four principle elements of Agni (loosely called Fire), Vāyu (loosely called Air), Pṛthvi (loosely called Earth), and Jala (loosely called Water). However the fifth, Ākāśa Tattva (loosely called Sky) pervades all the

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Bhāva: Houses

Bhāvas – the houses
In Vedic astrology, the natal chart is the bhāva chakra (Sanskrit: chakra, ‘wheel’.) The bhava chakra is the complete 360° circle of life, divided into houses, and represents our way of enacting the influences in the wheel. Each house has associated karaka (Sanskrit: karaka,’significator’) planets that can alter the interpretation of a particular


outer personality, physique, health/well-being, hair, appearance, taste

Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Moon
wealth, family relationships, eating habits, speech, eyes, death

natural state, innate temperament, courage, valor, virility, younger

Continue Bhāva: Houses
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Graha Sādana

Calculations of the graha longitude and lagna
Graha Sādana
Graha Sādana Slide

Continue Graha Sādana
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Rāśi Svarupa

Rāśi – the zodiac signs
The sidereal zodiac is an imaginary belt of 360 degrees (like the tropical zodiac), divided into 12 equal parts. Each twelfth part (of 30 degrees) is called a sign or rāśi (Sanskrit: rāśi, ‘part’). Jyotiṣa and Western zodiacs differ in the method of measurement. While synchronically, the two systems are identical, Jyotiṣa uses primarily the sidereal zodiac (in which stars are considered to be the fixed background against which the motion of the planets is measured), whereas most Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac (the motion of the planets is measured against the

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Bhava Chakra: The Houses

Lesson: Bhāva Chakra
Examining the 12 houses of the chart. These are houses reckoned from Ascendant (Lagna) reckoned as 1st house.
Bhāva Chakra PDF
Bhāva Chakra Slides

Lesson: Judgment of Results
Understanding the principles involved in the judgment of the houses. Includes the well-being and destruction of houses – the causes.
Judgment of Results PDF
Judgment of Results Slides

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Kendra: Quadrants

None of us can feel it, but Britain rises and falls by centimeters every 12 hours and 25 minutes as a great bulge of ocean water washes around the country.
Jonathan Amos reports at BBC
Lunar Tides
The Moon’s gravity imparts tremendous energy to the Earth, raising tides throughout the global oceans. What happens to all this energy? This question has been pondered by scientists for over 200 years, and has consequences ranging from the history of the moon to the mixing of the oceans. The Moon’s gravity tugs at the Earth, causing ocean water to slosh back and forth

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Ashwini is the first nakshatra of zodiac having a spread from 0°-0′-0″ to 13°-20′ and ruled by the node Ketu. Entire Ashwini nakshatra falls in the Mesh, which is ruled by the aggressive and fiery planet Mars. Though generally the qualities like aggressiveness are prominent in natives born in this sign and nakshatra, the occurrence of the same may differ according to the quarter occupied by the Moon and the sign occupied by the lord of the nakshatra, Ketu.
Male natives born in this nakshatra have large eyes and a broad forehead. The nose is slightly bigger and longer compared

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