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Additional Lessons

Before we begin, we need to study a few sources to understand the importance of Maharṣi Parāśara. The first Lesson in this group was prepared for another course and the original word document is lost. I hope some of you can preserve these file for posterity. There is a nice description of the life and times of Parāśara.

Note: These Lessons were taught for the Brhaspati Jyotish Program and some of you may have alrady learnt them. I want to ensure that all students are on the same footing for this course. There are some more lessons in

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Jyotiṣa Scope

In this lesson we learn about what is vedāñga jyotiṣa and its scope.
Vedāñga Jyotiṣa
Objective of the lesson is to know how big is this subject and to realize that jyotiṣa is as vast as the universe. Everything that is created finds its place in symbols and significations. Please take a printout of the slides and keep them with you while listening to this lecture so that you can make notes immediately as you go through the slides. Let me give you an example of a student who got into a detailed discussion with a pandit and later

Continue Jyotiṣa Scope
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Vāra: Weekday

Vāra & Vāreśa: Weekday
अथ सप्त वाराः। atha sapta vārāḥ |
Translation: We speak of the seven weekdays
आदित्यश्चन्द्रमा भौमो बुधश्चाथ बृहस्पतिः।
शुक्रः शनैश्चरश्चैव वाराः सप्त प्रकीर्तिताः॥
ādityaścandramā bhaumo budhaścātha bṛhaspatiḥ |
śukraḥ śanaiścaraścaiva vārāḥ sapta prakīrtitāḥ ||
Trasnlation: Sun (āditya), Moon (candramā), Mars (bhauma), Mercury (budha), Jupiter (bṛhaspati), Venus (śukra), Saturn (śaniścara) are the givers of the seven (sapta) weekdays (vāra). The weekdays are simply named after the planets by adding the suffix ‘vāra’ or ‘day’ after the name of the planet/lord.

Example: Ravi (Sun) + vāra (day) = Ravivāra or Sunday. In this manner all weekday names

Continue Vāra: Weekday
0 158

Long Course

BPHS takes 5 months to read, max! why does this course need 5 years?
Every subject has levels of knowledge and the same book can be taught at different levels. I studied Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’ for my 10th Grade and am pretty sure that the Masters level students in English Literature who study the same book would be doing more justice to it. Consider the pronunciation of words.

When I was four, I dropped a book on the floor and my mother taught me to pick it up and place it back. Then to touch the book and say ‘विष्णु’

Continue Long Course
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Why are we approaching the topics of BPHS in this manner?

This is the manner in which we have learnt Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra and that is the exactly same manner in which we intend to teach this vedic classic. The present form of BPHS is the result of the efforts to bring together the lost book. Even at the heights of his fame, Varāhamihira did not have access to BPHS which can only mean that the book was not publicly available and only certain brāhmaṇa families held this sacred knowledge in secrecy. Later, fragmented chapters were recovered from all

Continue BPHS Path
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Nakṣatra: Lunar Houses of Sidereal Zodiac

Brhat Naksatra $7.53
God has decorated the heavens with constellations like pearls on dark steed. The light of the Sun hides them in the day, and all knowledge of them is divined in the darkens of the night’
…Maharishi Parasara, Rig-Veda
Although we will be giving some basic lessons on Nakṣatra, they cannot substitute the knowledge contained in this book. If you do not have your copy, get one now. It will help you to understand not only the basics of the nakṣatra, but also has many advanced concepts that will not be found in any other book on

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0 66

Vedic Calendar

Saṁvatsara Purusha
The lessons given in this part are extracts from a forthcoming book on Jyotiṣa by Sanjay Rath. You are not authorized to use this information for any purpose in any literature, course or paper. There will be some more lessons on this topic and will be covered in two months including one on Pañcāṅga: Five Limbs of Time.
VC#01: Saṁvatsara PDF document
Lesson VC#02: Tithi
This lesson should give you a very good understanding of Tithi, the sun-moon angle (actually angular difference). The material given here will not be found in any book available. There is a

Continue Vedic Calendar
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Language of Seers

Lesson#03: Language of Seers Part#1
Language of Vedas, Vedāñga Jyotiṣa, Śikṣā – The Language, Chandas – The Rhythm, Vyākaraṇa – Meaningful Word, Nirukta – The Root, Jyotiṣa – The Vision, Kalpa – The Karma
Language of Seers #01
Lesson#04: Language of Seers Part#2
Language of Jyotiṣa, Ṛtu – Season, Definitions, Yuga and Seasons, Weekdays, Vedāñga-ṛtu, Jyotiṣa = Grīṣma ṛtu, Season and Mood, Aśvamedha yajña, The Indologist View, Upadeśa, Dharma, Expansion of the dot, Expansion and contraction, Adding for Weekdays, Deriving the Weekday, Process of adding sounds, Method 1: Sthiti Chakra,(Sustenance), Method 2: Sṛṣṭi Chakra (Creation wheel)
Language of

Continue Language of Seers
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Yuga-Time Cycles

Makara Māsa: 14 Jan – 13 Feb, 2010 |Course starts ☉ Makara saṅkrānti
Lesson#01: Linear and Cycle Time
(1) Classical Greco-Roman Mythology – Greek Mythology : Hesiod, Roman Mythology : Ovid;
(2) Classical Christian Mythology, Vedic Knowledge;
(3) Vedic : Yuga, Yugādi Tithi, Yuga avatāra, Present Kali Yuga, Jyotiṣa Notes;
(4) Scientific Theory;
(5) Symbols : Kāraka; Understanding Age Theories;
Download Yuga-Time Cycles
Essay Type Questions; Appendix-1: Kriyā Yoga School | 100 Marks
Lesson #1: Assignment
Please submit your assignment by uploading it at the Yahoo Group File Area
This highest mantra of Satya Sanatana dharma is the Security Key for

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Foundation of Vedic Astrology

You must read this to get a broad view of Vedic Astrology. It teaches you the foundations on which this vedic science is built. You need to know the 33 deva and understand the expansion of Vasudeva clearly. You need to understand the 8 lights called Asta-Vasu
MP3 Audio files Download

Foundation of Jyotish PDF
You can download three volumes of the teachings pertaining to the Foundation of Vedic Astrology. These are in zip archive and you need Winzip or any such software to extarct them.
Foundation Audiobook Archive

Continue Foundation of Vedic Astrology